Hi, I've had problems with the chinese language that wouldn't delete from my system - apparently, many people have this problem. I've managed to remove the chinese language, finally: Now, the only language that show up in 'Gnome-Language-Selector' is French (France). I would like to display only French (Canada). I've changed a few settings, using localepurge and modifying languages files, because the English language is still used by a few applications, such as Ubuntu Tweak. I cannot fully remove it! What I get when I enter sudo locale-gen in the Terminal: Generating locales.

Sep 7, 2018 - The judge said the Court of Appeal had dealt with an application by the. His mother and abuse her in the most foul and repugnant language.”. No idea why, and found nothing about it on this site. Windows 7 Service Pack 1 x64 NTFS. Files Adobe CS5.5ServiceManager CS5.5ServiceManager.exe' -launchedbylogin. --verbose-logging --system-level --multi-install --chrome. Microsoft Office Access Setup Metadata MUI (English) 2010.

Can't open particularisation files « en_US »: No such file or directory failed fr_BE.UTF-8. Done fr_CA.UTF-8. Can't open particularisation files « en_CA »: No such file or directory failed fr_CH.UTF-8. Can't open particularisation files « de_CH »: No such file or directory failed fr_FR.UTF-8.


Done fr_LU.UTF-8. Done Generation complete. Please help!:( I have no clue where I should start to fix this, I've tried multiple solutions, but I can't fully remove English, and change language from French (France) to French (Canada).:( Thanks! Hi Have you tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure localesHave you checked /etc/default/locale to point to your default locale? What does locale -areturn? Kind regards Thank you very much for your reply; Here's what sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales return: Generating locales.

Can't open particularisation files « en_US »: No such file or directory failed fr_BE.UTF-8. Up-to-date fr_CA.UTF-8. Can't open particularisation files « en_CA »: No such file or directory failed fr_CH.UTF-8. Skachatj besplatno igru mount blade rusj 13 vek s torrenta full. Can't open particularisation files « de_CH »: No such file or directory failed fr_FR.UTF-8. Up-to-date fr_LU.UTF-8.

Up-to-date Generation complete. Hi In /etc/environment is this correct? LANG='fr_FR.CA.UTF-8'It's different than the others and, as it's LANG, will override the others. What programs are still appearing in English for you?

Not all programs are locale aware as far as i know. BTW: What does this return? Echo $LANG echo $LANGUAGEKind regards Yes, /etc/environment file look correct: PATH='/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games' LANGUAGE='fr_CA.UTF-8' LANG='fr_FR.CA.UTF-8' LC_NUMERIC='fr_CA.UTF-8' LC_TIME='fr_CA.UTF-8' LC_MONETARY='fr_CA.UTF-8' LC_PAPER='fr_CA.UTF-8' LC_IDENTIFICATION='fr_CA.UTF-8' LC_NAME='fr_CA.UTF-8' LC_ADDRESS='fr_CA.UTF-8' LC_TELEPHONE='fr_CA.UTF-8' LC_MEASUREMENT='fr_CA.UTF-8'echo $LANG and echo $LANGUAGE both return this: fr_CA.UTF-8As for the programs that still appear in English, there are more than I thought. After doing a few tests: - Ubuntu-Tweak (The interface is in English. It used to be in French before the locales started to freak out). A screenshot of the main windows strangely say the locale language is FR_CA, however. That's weird: (- GRUB-Customizer (This software used to display chinese caracthers, before I managed to delete the language); - Audacity - Pinta Image Editor - VLC - Screenlets - GConf Editor - Alacarte Menu Editor - Shutter - Guake Terminal - Verbiste (A French verb checking tool.

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