Guided tour The ticket includes: Time Machine guided tour + entry to all castle content + a return journey on the funicular railway - guided tour The ticket includes: Behind Bars guided tour + entry to all castle content + a return journey on the funicular railway The ticket includes: audioguide + entry to all castle content + a return journey on the funicular railway The ticket includes: entry to all castle content + a return journey on the funicular railway The ticket includes: a return journey on the funicular railway.

The International Summer School for Democracy and Development was organized by AAB College. The opening of the works has been done by the Head of AAB College International Cooperation Office, Liridon Bajrami. Participants in this Summer School are students from countries of Europe and beyond, such as USA, Kanda, Germany, France, Belgium, Lithuania, Turkey, Macedonia, Albania, etc as well as students from Kosovo. The number of students participating in this edition of the International Summer School for Democracy and Development is about 50.

The works in this summer school will last two weeks, where the participating students will receive 4 credits, then the 10 best works will be selected and published in the International research Magazine the Thesis. For more information about the International Summer School for Democracy and Development, click on the official link:

A portable color TV set in its characteristics can give odds to many modern products. It can receive color and black-and-white programs by any channel in the meter long wave band, this model ('D' index) can also receive programs in the decimeter wave band. Digital blue qx5. You want funny pins? Diagonal size of the screen, or as it was called before - picture tube, is 25 cm. TV set can be connected to the AC with voltage 176-243 V (you can forget about expensive stabilizers!) or to DC with voltage 11-14.5 V, for example, right in your car.


3 Bosnian muslim calls Balkan muslims to go to Syria and join Isis / Isil. Translation: 00:01 - This is call for all brothers and sisters, 00:10 - From day to day, our sisters come, they leave filthy GIAOUR (non-muslim land/state) society, and GIAOUR air, they come here to live with honor that only islam and mujahideen can provide.

Vpliv harmonskih motenj na prenos energije v trifaznih sistemih. Vpliv harmonskih motenj na prenos energije v trifaznih. Kljub temu iz. Apr 09, 2012  This feature is not available right now. Please try again later. Published on Apr 9, 2012. Pogledajte opis: Posjetite i 'lajkajte' našu FB stranicu. Dec 26, 2016  Neo-Nazi Calls for Armed White Supremacists to March Against Montana Jews. Neo-Nazi site publishes image of Auschwitz with yellow Star of David and word 'Jude' as invite to march in Whitefish, Montana – home of white supremacist Richard Spencer. V Piranskem zalivu in okoliških vodah, ki si ga delita Slovenija in Hrvaška, so prisotni kritični habitatni tipi in ogroţene vrste, ki redno prečkajo drţavne meje in pristojnosti. Kljub temu se učinkoviti varstveni ukrepi na tem območju ne izvajajo oziroma so pomankljivi. Apr 22, 2012  This feature is not available right now. Please try again later. Published on Apr 22, 2012. Pogledajte opis: Posjetite i 'lajkajte' našu FB stranicu. Prezentaciya na temu energosberezhenie v seljskom hozyajstve.

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