TitleStarinnyia polosy vyshivok ot derevenskikh prostynei Novgorodsk. Ispolneny po kholstu v glukhoi kreste prostoi kraskoi Kumachevoi nitkoiu i raznymi tsvetnymi shelkami. Additional title: Folk stripe embroidered in a rural sheet from Novgorod province. Decorated in dense cross stitch on a sackcloth with simple dyeing, red calio threads and different colorful silks. Names (Collector) Collection Dates / Origin Date Created: (Inferred) Place: Library locations Shelf locator: Slav. Reserve (Photo) (Dolmatov.

Obraztsy.) Shelf locator: Slav. Reserve (Photo) (Dolmatov. Obraztsy.) Topics -- -- Genres Type of Resource Languages Identifiers NYPL catalog ID (B-number): Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): 67858350-c60a-012f-f2a6-58d385a7bc34 Rights Statement The copyright and related rights status of this item has been reviewed by The New York Public Library, but we were unable to make a conclusive determination as to the copyright status of the item. Toast titanium 12 keygen mac. You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use.

TitlePolotentse o dvukh raznykh kontsakh Kargopol'skoi uezda Olonetskoi gub. Izobrazhaet lev zveria i ptitsu dvuglavago orla. Ispolneno po kholstu tsvetnymi sherstiami.


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Additional title: Two different towel ends from Kargopol' of Olonets province. Names (Collector) Collection Dates / Origin Date Created: (Inferred) Place: Library locations Shelf locator: Slav.

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Reserve (Photo) (Dolmatov. Pideme lo que quieras o dejame pdf. Obraztsy.) Shelf locator: Slav. Reserve (Photo) (Dolmatov. Obraztsy.) Topics -- Genres Type of Resource Languages Identifiers NYPL catalog ID (B-number): Universal Unique Identifier (UUID): 627e0340-c60a-012f-103d-58d385a7bc34 Rights Statement The copyright and related rights status of this item has been reviewed by The New York Public Library, but we were unable to make a conclusive determination as to the copyright status of the item. You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use.

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