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List of Calculations Kala has extensive calculations, as you can see below. Best of all, Kala is the only Jyotish software that calculates Planetary War, Combustion, Vara, Hora, Vyatipata, Vaidhriti and Sankranti according to the Surya Siddhanta, Varahamihira and other classical astronomy texts. Furthermore, Kala is the only Vedic Astrology software with extensive Muhurta calculations and the only software to program the entirety of mathematical techniques from.

Kala is thus the premier software for studying and practicing Classical Vedic Astrology. On a more modern note: Kala has the most accurate planetary calculations, thanks to the extremely accurate Swiss Ephemeris - which is an astrologically designed version of the most accurate NASA JPL ephemeris. Kala is thus the most accurate software available to the Vedic Astrologer. Kala is able to calculate planets perfectly accurately for modern days, but also most accurately all the way from 5400 BC to 5400 AD, as compared to many other software which begin to show significant errors even when calculating only 150 years back. Kala - Vedic Astrology Software on CD 254.95 Download Kala Vedic Astrology Software 244.95 We welcome Phone Orders: 760-420-5648 Calculations Performed by KALA 2010 AshtakaVarga • Effects of a planet's Ashtakavarga Bindus • Trikona and E'patya Reductions • Ashtakavarga Graha Pinda, Rasi Pinda and Yoga Pinda • Auspicious Directions • Sensitive Transit Nakshatras and Rasis • Sarva Ashtakavarga • Important Ages for the planets.

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Namaste, Of course, the website for downloading is Best regards, Narasimha Do a Short Homam Yourself: Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: Spirituality: Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): Free Jyotish software (Windows): Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: - Narasimha P.V.R. Rao varahamihira;; sjcBoston; sjc-guru; sohamsa;; vedic astrology; jhora Tuesday, January 13, 2009 11:21 PM [sjc-guru] Download Jagannatha Hora 7.32 Namaste, Happy Makara Sankranthi to all of you! Rasshifrovka kodov oshibok bmv e65. An important update 7.32 is available for download now.

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- Some bugs in modified Lahiri ayanamsas are fixed. Now, all ayanamsas are reliable. Apart from the regular Lahiri ayanamsa, two variations are available: (1) True Chitrapaksha ayanamsa: This fixes Chitra star at 180 deg always. With regular Lahiri ayanamsa, Chitra star wobbles around 180 deg. (2) Jagannatha ayanamsa (thanks to Pt Sanjay Rath for suggesting this name): This fixes Chitra star at 180 deg always and also fixes the two-dimensional plane on which planetary positions are projected to Vishnunabhi plane (solar system rotation plane).

In regular Lahiri, Chitra wobbles around 180 deg and the two-dimensional plane of planetary longitudes wobbles around the Vishnunabhi plane. - Krishna mishra navamsa is added (thus, three navamsa options are available - Parasari, Kalachakra and Krishna mishra). - Bhrigu bindu calculation is fixed. - The starting point options existing in Vimsottari dasa (i.e. Ability to start dasa from Moon, lagna, kshema tara, utpanna tara, aadhaana tara, bhrigu bindu, pranapada, maandi, gulika, longitudes of various planets, Indu lagna, Trisphuta etc) are extended to all conditional nakshatra dasas. For example, you can now find Sataabdika dasa from lagna instead of Moon.

Download Varahamihira Astrology Software

- Yogi, sahayogi and avayogi planets are shown. - Charts notes (*.txt file) are saved in the same directory where the chart (*.jhd file) is saved. Earlier, the behavior was indeterminate and the chart notes were lost sometimes. - When you save a chart as a bitmap for pasting later into an electronic document, it gives a dialog box to choose the file to save. - If one has a display with a horizontal size more than 1280 (e.g.

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