Dec 5, 2005 - found reference to a windows installer for PythonMagick on the. Seperately installed on the client machine to use PythonMagick anyway? The current stable version of python-magic is available on pypi and can be installed by running pip install python-magic. Of libmagic for windows: https://github.

>> > import magic >> > magic.from_file( 'testdata/test.pdf ') 'PDF document, version 1.2 ' >> > magic.from_buffer( open( 'testdata/test.pdf ').read( 1024)) 'PDF document, version 1.2 ' >> >Beirut nightmares ghada samman pdf reader. magic.from_file( 'testdata/test.pdf ', mime = True) 'application/pdf ' There is also a Magic class that provides more direct control, including overriding the magic database file and turning on character encoding detection. This is not recommended for general use.

In particular, it's not safe for sharing across multiple threads and will fail throw if this is attempted. >> > f = magic.Magic( mime = True, uncompress = True) >> > f.from_file( 'testdata/test.gz ') 'text/plain ' Versioning Minor version bumps should be backwards compatible. Major bumps are not. Name Conflict There are, sadly, two libraries which use the module name magic. Both have been around for quite a while.If you are using this module and get an error using a method like open, your code is expecting the other one. Hopefully one day these will be reconciled. Installation The current stable version of python-magic is available on pypi and can be installed by running pip install python-magic.


Other sources: • pypi: • github: Windows You'll need DLLs for libmagic. @julian-r has uploaded a version of this project that includes binaries to pypi: Other sources of the libraries in the past have been. You will need to copy the file magic out of [binary-zip] share misc, and pass its location to Magic(magic_file=.). If you are using a 64-bit build of python, you'll need 64-bit libmagic binaries which can be found here:. Newer version can be found here:. OSX • When using Homebrew: brew install libmagic • When using macports: port install file Troubleshooting • 'MagicException: could not find any magic files!'

: some installations of libmagic do not correctly point to their magic database file. Try specifying the path to the file explicitly in the constructor: magic.Magic(magic_file='path_to_magic_file').

• 'WindowsError: [Error 193]%1 is not a valid Win32 application': Attempting to run the 32-bit libmagic DLL in a 64-bit build of python will fail with this error. Here are 64-bit builds of libmagic for windows: • 'WindowsError: exception: access violation writing 0x00000000 ' This may indicate you are mixing Windows Python and Cygwin Python.

Retrieved August 10, 2013. Archived from on December 24, 2013. Frankie j the one album zip.

Make sure your libmagic and python builds are consistent. Author Written by Adam Hupp in 2001 for a project that never got off the ground. It originally used SWIG for the C library bindings, but switched to ctypes once that was part of the python standard library. You can contact me via my. Contributors Thanks to these folks on github who submitted features and bugfixes. • Amit Sethi • • • • • NicolasDelaby • • SimpleSeb • License python-magic is distributed under the MIT license.

See the included LICENSE file for details. I am providing code in the repository to you under an open source license. Because this is my personal repository, the license you receive to my code is from me and not my employer (Facebook).

PythonMagick on Windows DLL load failed PythonMagick on Windows DLL load failed julien levasseur Mon Feb 16 13:17:49 CET 2015 • Previous message (by thread): • Next message (by thread): • Messages sorted by: I am using Python 2.7 on Windows 8.1. Python 2.7 (r27:82525, Jul 4 2010, 07:43:08) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 I installed ImageMagick from Then installed PythonMagick with pip from When I import PythonMagick it says: Traceback (most recent call last): File '', line 2, in import PythonMagick File 'C: Python27 lib site-packages PythonMagick', line 1, in from.

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