Mutoh Valuejet VJ-1604 Eco Solvent Printer Corresponds to media up to a width of 1,625mm. Can also correspond to media with low stiffness by adjusting pressure appropriately • Two-step pressure adjustment according to media stiffness. • Adopted a new rigid unit that controls printing noise and horizontal oscillation.

Mutoh Valuejet VJ-1604 Eco Solvent Printer. Corresponds to media up to a width of 1,625mm. Can also correspond to media with low stiffness by adjusting pressure appropriately. Two-step pressure adjustment according to media stiffness. Adopted a new rigid unit that controls printing noise and horizontal oscillation. Supported Mutoh printers: DrafStation, Falcon, CAD DraftStation, DrafStation, Rockhopper, ValueJet, Albatros, Spitfire, Toucan. Mutoh Toucan PJ-1614NX.

• Equipped with Sub Bag System that allows ink replacement during printing. • Equipped with Sub Bag System that allows ink replacement during printing.

Mutoh Valuejet 1614 Driver

• Adopted a maintenance mirror mechanism that simplifies print head maintenance. • Provided with Ethernet 100BASE-TX/10BASE-T, which corresponds to various network environments, as a standard feature • Low-noise design with operational noise of 50dB or less.

Mutoh ValueJet 1614 For the sign & display market The Mutoh ValueJet 1614 eco solvent printer, with a top speed of 18.2 m²/h, has been specifically developed for the sign & display market. Offering a media width of 1625 mm and a printing width of 1615 mm, the Mutoh ValueJet 1614 produces full-colour posters, banners, backlit panels, POS displays, notices, signs and stickers. Band free printing on the Mutoh ValueJet VJ1614 Incorporating Mutoh's i² Intelligent Interweaving technology to reduce banding, the Mutoh ValueJet 1614 will offer typical production speeds (720 x 720 dpi, 4 pass) up to 15 m²/h on banner and up to 8.6 m²/h on vinyl. The Mutoh ValueJet 1614 incorporates a new generation piezo drop-on-demand variable drop 'wide-model' print head.

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The 1440 nozzle head incorporates four colour sections (two nozzle rows of 180 nozzles/colour). Unwinder / winder systems Mutoh ValueJet VJ1614 Optional unwinder / winder systems are the T winder 30 take up unit, equipped with a tension bar system, for media rolls up to 30 kg and the unwinder / winder 100 system with tensioning mechanism for motorised unwinding and winding of media rolls up to 100 kg. Downloads • • • Related Products •.

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