•.:: - -; -; -; -; -, /; -,;.::;,;,;:;;;,,;;:;;;:;.,.: I II,. Ontent Week/ Hours 6 scores Module4 1 6 Unit 4. Module 4.Brining up children Speech patterns p.107, (Arakin V.D.) Text The Fun They Had Verb and adverb combinations for movement(p.30) 2 3 Cutting Edge- Are you a risk-taker?( Module 3) The gentle Touch- expressing two different points of view 3 3 Role-playing, p.

Chapter Summary for E. Doctorow's Ragtime, part 1 chapter 1 summary. Find a summary of this and each chapter of Ragtime!

133 Youth clubs-views on the problems p. 135 Solutions: Ways of teaching children 4 3 Unit 5.Speech patterns p.137-140, ex.1-6 (Arakin V.D.) Essential Voc-ry, word combinations and phrases p.145-148 (Arakin V.D) Unit 5. Gerund and its structure Modal verbs Participle I, Participle II 5 3 Text Art for hearts sake (by R.Goldberg) p.140, ex.11 p. 151 (Arakin V.D) Complex sentence 6 3 Role-playing The thing they need ex. 175 (Arakin) 7 3 Unit 6.

Speech patterns p.177-179, ex.1-6 (Arakin V.D.) Introduction of the voc-ry notes and phrasal verbs Text The man of destiny (by G.B.Shaw) p.179 (Arakin ) Unit 6 Infinitive and its functions Infinitive as attributes Dependent clauses Noun clause • 7 3 Test Module 5 8 3 Topical voc-ry on the theme Feeling and emotions p. 200- 201 (Arakin V.D) 9 3 Role-playing The thing they need ex.

175 (Arakin) 10 3 Arakin. Speech patterns. Ex 1; 2;3; p. 212-213 Word combinations and phrases Text 'The happy man' by Somerset Maugham Talking about people. Topical vocabulary; Ex. 237-238 Unit 7.Infinitive as object; Clause maker; Modifying adverbs 'should' Compound sentence 11 3 TV-Interview p.

Ragtime summary arakin book

241 'Happiness is this shape 'p. 15;16 Comparing and contrasting. Relative clause 12 3 Role-play Formal versus informal teaching Mixed ability grouping in class. Pupils norms of behavior. Unit 7.Infinitive as object; Clause maker; Modifying adverbs 'should' Compound sentence Comparing and contrasting. Relative clause • 13 3 Unit 8. Shejr dar borai tochikiston va vatan. Speech patterns.

Ex 1; 2; p248-249 Text The apple-tree by J. Galsworthy Ex-s p.259-260;p.264-266 Make up dialogues,ex.13 p.261; ex.9-10 p.266-267 Topical vocabulary on the theme Man and naturep.268 Discussion Environmental Protection-Nationwide Concern Role-play Environmental Protection p.272,p.276 Work in pairs, ex.12 p.274 14 3 Role-play Formal versus informal teaching Mixed ability grouping in class. Pupils norms of behavior.


Verb forms in narrative (p.149-150) 15 15 2 1 Revision Test Writing a story about a frightening experience (p.37) EXAMINATION: more like than; for an hour or so; it would be a splendid opportunity to try, I should never have thought,The morethe more, There was no left, That wont do, If I were I would, lack of words, the way of theatre than of books, In a way, What I need is, has nothing to do with, It was up to me, I felt angry and frustrated, disrespect for me, daring to open • Topic: 1. Education in Kazakhstan 2.Education in America 3.

Work in pairs: make up dialogues, tasks from p. Essay: Is it good to be a student? ( 250 words with a thesis statement) 5.Essential Vocabulary,p.179 6.Work in pairs: Making up dialogues,p.220-225 7. Assignments, p.228 8.Listening, p.264-265 1.

Commenting,ex.p.222 2. Topic: Sport as part of School and College Life 3. Speaking: Give a description of pictures, p.224-225 (120-130 words to each description) Give a short summary of the passage 4. 258 description 5.Ex.14 p.258- making up dialogues 6. Comment on the proverbs and sayings, p.260 7.Discussion, ex.12 p.298 8.Assignments, p. 305 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 • Tasks for the examination: 1.

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