WorldRaskraska astana bajterek en

Located in Astana, Kazakhstan, every element of Bayterek Tower was designed with the intention of imparting meaning to visitors and citizens alike, right down to the height of the tower, which stands 97 meters tall to represent 1997, the year in which Astana was named the capital of Kazakhstan. The unusual construction of the tower is more than just a unique artistic flourish. The golden sphere that rests atop the many pointed spires of the tower is meant to symbolize an egg nestled amongst tree limbs – a nod to an age-old local folktale about happiness and beginnings, focusing on a bird who laid its egg in the sacred tree of life. This combination of the old and the new is intriguing and inspiring to both Kazakhs and visitors, who are invited to travel to the top of the tower and see views of the city from an observation deck inside its golden dome.

Blagoustrojstvo territorii chertezh avtokad. Not only does this provide a unique tourist attraction, but also yet another means of symbolism, as visitors travel inside the “egg” of happiness and beginnings, able to see the modern world from a place of history and legend.

The mission of “Baiterek” NMH” JSC is to support the sustainable economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan in order to implement public policies. Nurzhol bulvar's centrepiece is this 97m-high monument, a white latticed tower crowned by a large glass orb. This embodies a Kazakh legend in which the.

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